Sports Equity Collaborative -
Spring 2023 Cohort
Are you someone in athletics or sports doing diversity, equity, and inclusion work? Awesome! We've created something just for you: The Sports Equity Collaborative.
Program dates: February 19 through May 14, 2023.
Topics and Guest Experts
- Assessment with Dr. Kimberly Walker
- Audits with Dr. Jen Fry
- Trauma-informed DEI with Michelle Jalali
- Crisis Management with Danielle Johnson-Webb
- Organizational Culture with Dr. Nef Walker
- DEI Strategic Planning with Jennifer Hunter
You'll have support. We'll have bi-monthly calls and regular check-ins on Slack. You'll be in a community of your peers--learning and growing in a dynamic learning group where folks can be together in an open, honest, and brave space.
Look, DEI work is difficult--and the pressure to succeed is high. In this program, you'll gain the foundational knowledge and skills you need so you can use that pressure to overcome obstacles and get some amazing wins.
Be a part of the change.
Be a part of the Collaborative.
If you have any questions, please email us at